Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ripit 2012 Prototype 2 Bbcor Bat

Ripit 2012 Prototype 2 Bbcor Bat

Buy Ripit 2012 Prototype 2 Bbcor Bat

Price : $299.99 $147.49 - $279.99 2.3 out of 5 stars

Product Features

  • Made from new ATBA alloy used for making high performance products like rockets and artillery shells
  • Hottest BBCOR bat with the largest sweet spot and better balance
  • Single piece design for durability
  • 400 day warranty and 30 day money back guarantee

Product Description

LOVE IT or RETURN IT. The Prototype II and Prototype II + are guaranteed to outperform every BBCOR bat. If you try them and disagree, sent them back to RIP-IT for a full refund. Return shipping is always on RIP-IT. Go to for complete information

Buy Ripit 2012 Prototype 2 Bbcor Bat


  1. Several kids on my son's high school team have this bat. 5 have been returned to the manufacturer already for repairs. The plastic end caps break easily and my son's had a large dent. Don't waste your money on this junk.

  2. After several weeks of research for a BBCOR bat we finally settled for the Rip-it. We liked the grip and it being a one piece bat. It seems to have a generous sweet spot. This bat had great reviews and it did not disappoint me. Only got to use it for the final 3 games of the Fall season and we're looking forward to the Spring season. This bat is also made in USA and of very high quality.

  3. we buy alot of bats. very expensive bats at that. but this specific off brand name is very poor quality. has a huge dent after a couple of hits and the season hasnt even started. requested a refund. totally dont recommend. seller refuses to work with us. we only had bat 35 days. ridiculous! first game was this past tuesday and it dented in the very first inning-varsity level. dont buy this bat! seller doesnt help and is very rude! american express has stepped in to help us get the refund and return this junk. manufacturer states under 90 days send to seller--seller wont listen.
